Laura Carruth

This week we are featuring a Woman in Science without a Wikipedia page, but who is very notable in both her influence on Neuroscience as well as education, Laura Carruth. Laura Carruth is an Associate Professor at the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University. For education, she did her Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD at the University of Colorado at Boulder. 

For her Post-doc, she went to the University of California, Los Angeles. And later she started a position as an Assistant Professor at Georgia State University. Then she became an Associate Professor in 2009 and holds that title currently. Her research interests are varied. One of them include looking at sex differences from hormonal factors during brain development in several vertebrate species.

Laura Carruth seems to have a special interest in not only research, but education as well. She has published multiple articles about education in addition to her field of Neuroscience. She has worked with different age groups as well as people in different levels of education or in their profession as educators. In addition to being an Associate Professor in Neuroscience, she is the Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Georgia State University.

As the Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Laura Carruth is interested in growing the research at her university. She runs workshops and teaches educational techniques for both learners and teachers (some assistant or full professors). She is also interested in expanding the professional development on campus. She helped start a series known as “Teaching for Social Justice speaker series.” In this series, both teachers and students can come together in discussion on topics related to social justice. In terms of younger aged students, Laura helped lead a summer camp for middle-school aged kids. She is also part of a teacher’s training program that is partnered with the Atlanta Zoo. 

Some interesting publications related to her education research would be: “Routes to Research for Novice Undergraduate Neuroscientists,” in which she is a co-author and studied different methods for undergraduates in Neuroscience to see what works best for them. Another article titled, “Portraits of science self-efficacy: Four undergraduate women in a summer research experience,” she is also a co-author tackling methods to support underrepresented groups in STEM, such as women.

Take a look at her publications for more information on her education as well as neuroscience research!


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Date Accessed: 10/14/20

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