Leslie Vosshall

HHMI Investigator, Professor, Rockefeller University The Vosshall lab studies how complex behaviors are controlled by cues from the environment and modulated by internal physiological state.  Working with Drosophila Melanogaster flies, mosquitoes and human subjects, Dr. Vosshall’s research yielded new knowledge about how sensory stimuli are processed and perceived.To learn more about her research: http://vosshall.rockefeller.edu/...

Ann Graybiel

Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT February 2nd, 2016 On February 2, 2016 WiSE hosted Dr. Ann Graybiel as the first McClintock Lecturer! Ann Graybiel studies the basal ganglia, forebrain structures that are profoundly important for normal brain function but are also implicated in Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and addiction. Graybiel’s...

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