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Nature’s Women In Science (2013) This special issue of Nature takes a hard look at the gender gap — from bench to boardroom — and at what is being done to close it. Topics vary from gender disparity among biotechnology’s Scientific Advisory Boards, to starting a lab while starting a family, to unequal pay and distribution of funding.
Gender bias in (neuro)science: Facts, consequences, and solutions (2019) Great overview of the different approaches that have been taken at institutional, organizational, and individual levels to counter gender bias and responses to unfavorable comments.
Power Analysis (2019) After acknowledging that power differentials exist, can scientists find inspiration to persevere anyway with a benevolent hierarchy built upon diversity, selflessness, and the duality of being both a teacher and student?
Overcoming social and financial obstacles in science and engineering (2019)
How Does She Do It? (2013) Featuring stories of women who have managed to balance both a successful scientific career and a family. How do they do it?
To learn inclusion skills, make it personal (2019) “Learning the skills of inclusion starts with empathy, the ability to recognize and share another’s feelings… lessons of inclusion must be taught to senior academics.
How some men are challenging gender inequity in the lab (2019) 6 men discuss how they support their women colleagues.
Antidote to Toxic Principal Investigators (2020) Nature Medicine: there is a pervasive problem in academia of principal investigators who abuse their powers and mistreat their trainees. This article shares suggestions that would help protect the trainees and ultimately reduce the number of toxic supervisors.
Gender disparities among independent fellows in biomedical research (2018) By CSHL WiSE Faculty Advisory Board Member, Jason Sheltzer, PhD.
Increasing gender diversity in the STEM research workforce (2019) Based on a CSHL Banbury Conference: “ We outline here specific, potentially high-impact policy changes that build upon existing mechanisms for research funding and governance and that can be rapidly implemented to counteract barriers facing women in science”
Unconscious Bias Observer Scheme (2017) How the University of York Chemistry department has examined unconscious bias during hiring.
Harvard’s Project Implicit (2011) Test your implicit biases about gender, ethnicity, religion and more.
Avoiding Gender Bias in Reference Writing (2009) and the Gender Bias Calculator for Recommendation Letters (2013)
Advancing women in science, medicine, and global health (2019) “Collectively, the theme issue lays out robust evidence to inform an action plan for institutional leaders to confront gender bias, improve diversity and inclusivity, and drive change. Strategies to redress inequalities are not just women’s issues—they require the full participation of everyone in deeper explanations and solutions.”
Biaswatchneuro Tracking the speaker composition of conferences in neuroscience, particularly with respect to gender representation.
Check out: Summarizing 3.33 Years Of BWN: We’ve Moved The Needle!(2018)
The psychological disengagement model among women in science, engineering, and technology (2014)
Seven Actionable Strategies for Advancing Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine (2015)
Contribution to Mentorship and Promoting Women in Science (2018)
Women’s underrepresentation in science: Sociocultural and biological considerations (2009)
Advancing women in R&D (2013)
Science and everyday life: Outreach and education programs help to diversify the discipline (2019) “The problems that society is facing today are going to require approaches and knowledge and skills that we don’t yet have,” Tracy said. “We need people to be able to approach problems from new perspectives, to approach problems outside of the proverbial box and be able to do so in a collaborative and meaningful way.”