Jess Wade

As we prepare for our WiSE/CSHL Library & Archives Women-In-STEM Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, we want to introduce you to one of our biggest sources of inspiration, British physicist Jess Wade. Wade received a PhD in physics from Imperial College London, in 2016, where she continues to work as a Research Associate.

We're not sure how she manages to find time for it all but, though still early in her career, she has made significant contributions in the lab, on the streets, and on the web.

"In the lab," she works in "plastic electronics" - a field that studies new, flexible, materials for use in electronic devices.

"On the streets" she works to encourage evidence-based practices for supporting and promoting women in STEM fields (particularly physics) - not just recruiting more young girls, but retaining those already there and making sure that there's an inclusive environment to recruit more to. She has represented the UK in international science outreach efforts including the US State Department's "Hidden No More" international leadership program and is heavily involved in the Institute of Physics (IOP).

"On the web" she has dedicated time and effort to creating Wikipedia pages for female scientists (she's made about a hundred so far). She is also active with science outreach on social media (you can find her on Twitter @jesswade and at her website, where she is well known for her terrific "doodles."

Her outreach contributions, as well as her great science, have been formally recognized with awards including Imperial College's Julia Higgins Medal (2017), the Robin Perrin Award for Materials Science (2017), and the IOP's Bell-Burnell Award for Women in Physics (2016). And now, a #WiSEWednesday honor! Thank you for your great work!


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